You know what really grinds my gears? Recruiters. I know that every once in a while, you'll come across a good, attentive, honest recruiter, but that is not often.

Recruiters can get away with back asswards job postings, but god forbid that I have a typo in my resume. From a recent job posting for a "System Administrator":

  • Experience administering commercial Operating systems; specifically LINIX
  • Experience creation and executing shell scripts

Sure, I've experienced creation - back in my unicellular days. Then of course comes the "A degree in a related technicle discipline required."

Come on.

I know how super excited you are to tell me about this amazing job opportunity for a fantastic company that you are sure I - someone you know nothing about - will absolutely love, and that I should drop everything to come and meet with you, but maybe you should pay a little more attention to detail if that is what you expect from your applicants.